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T.E. Brennan Company History
A brief look at our history and what it was like back when T.E. Brennan Company did most of our work helping to settle losses due to fires.

The Chicago Northwestern depot along the lakefront around 1900
When Thomas Edward Brennan founded his company in 1895, Milwaukee was a bustling city filled with people of German and Polish heritage. The steam train was the most common method for travelers to reach the city, and many travelers arrived or departed the city through the Chicago & Northwestern Depot, located along the lakeshore. They also came on steamboats and horse drawn vehicles of all kinds.
Brewing beer and leather tanning were two of the most important industries in the city. The great Milwaukee breweries were all going strong, and Pabst beer had just recently won their Blue Ribbon at the Chicago World’s Fair. There were sawmills and furniture factories, too.
Most of our business back then was helping our clients receive a fair settlement after a loss. Today, T.E. Brennan Company offers a broad, diversified range of services to our clients that weren’t even imagined over 120 years ago, but are indispensable today.
We are very proud of our more than 125 years of service to the Wisconsin business community. Here we present a brief look at where our journey began!
Here are six letters out of the archives from satisfied customers in our distant past. It is fun to see the old-style stationery they all were using, which no doubt was quite modern for the day.

Written in 1903 from Julius Simon at Boston Store after they had settled the loss from a fire.

From 1913 after a fire at the furniture manufacturer Wesberg & Lavick.

From G.F Dischur, President of Garage Equipment Manufacturing Co after they had a fire in 1913.

From the estate of H.A. Schwarzburg after a fire in 1912.

From the Kurz Downey Company, makers of packing boxes after a fire in 1911.

From the Milwaukee Journal Company after a fire in their editorial room in 1901.
Meeting our clients’ risk management needs to the highest ethical standards since 1895.