To talk with a skilled consultant who can answer your questions,
Call: 262-754-1160 or Email: consult@tebrennan.com
Consultants In Risk Management, Claims Management, Expert Witness Work and Employee Benefits
Do you need the impartial services of T.E. Brennan Company?
Our clients told us they were…
…upset about paying too much for their insurance.
…tired of their agent or insurance company taking them for granted.
…worried about being compensated in full when they had a loss.
…exhausted with having to navigate the mountains of information with regard to the Affordable Care Act.
…unsure of the best way to manage the competitive marketing of their insurance program and finding the time to do it.
…unable to afford an in-house risk manager.
…overwhelmed by all of the options available.
…concerned their agent was not properly advising them when they started looking at other methods of financing risk.
…troubled that their insurance program was no longer adequate.
…uncertain about having gaps in coverage as their organization changed.
…dissatisfied with the poor service from their agent.
…distressed about availability of insurance.
…irritated when they felt their agent was trying to sell them something they didn’t want or need.
…frustrated with sorting through all of the benefits options to make sure their overall package maximizes employee retention.
Meeting our clients’ risk management needs to the highest ethical standards since 1895.