To talk with a skilled consultant who can answer your questions,
Call: 262-754-1160 or Email: consult@tebrennan.com
Consultants In Risk Management, Claims Management, Expert Witness Work and Employee Benefits
Our Values
We always work in the best interest of our clients.
We conduct ourselves with the highest levels of ethics and professionalism.
We exercise independence, objectivity and integrity in all professional engagements.
We maintain admirable, long-term relationships that are founded on trust, dependability and confidentiality.
We consistently provide innovative, timely and cost-effective services to our clients to improve their efficiency, marketability, productivity and profitability.
We do not accept any remuneration from any source other than our clients – our impartiality will not be compromised.
We continuously improve our competencies, professional skills and knowledge.
We uphold the honor and dignity of the profession and T.E. Brennan Company.
Meeting our clients’ risk management needs to the highest ethical standards since 1895.